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Abhishek Tiwari

Abhishek Tiwari

Indraprastha Apollo Hospital| India

Title: Innovations with vac in complex perianal wounds with diversion stoma


Biography: Abhishek Tiwari


Complex perianal injuries are devastating for patients suffering from them either due to Retropharyngeal Abscess (RTA) or Abscess. Long duration of hospital stay huge cost of management long term antibiotics and analgesics, patient and attendant loss of working days. In short high  morbidity and mortality rate in these injuries by conservative management calls for innovation to improve factors discussed above. We managed 6 cases with perianal injuries by diversion stoma and vac dressing along with innovations with advance dressing which otherwise would have taken months to heal or may have scumbed to injuries. Updates and advancement are important aspects of the surgical field and still wound care treated as an orphan son with lesser attention, but it is a morbidity for patient suffering  more than any other surgical condition or emergency. Innovations in wound care are need of time and require advancement for better patient care for example in this case perianal injuries