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Jasmina Begic

Jasmina Begic

University Clinical Center Sarajevo| Bosnia and Herzegovina

Title: Appliance bioptron light in the treatment of chronic wounds: coast benefit for patients and society


Biography: Jasmina Begic


Chronic Wounds different etiology are important medical problems and major cause of morbidity in the population. Studies have shown that 5%-8% of the world population suffers from venous disease Etiology of ulcers: 72% venous, 14% venous/arterial, 8% arterial, 6% other. Main etiological factors are venous stasis, tissue hypoxia and blockade of fibrin. Normal blood circulation is very important for not only the strong body, but also the vigorous spirit. Disharmony of blood and Qi resulting in various diseases. Six million days of work lost in the United States because of complications of chronic venous insufficiency in European countries, the treatment cost of venous ulcers has been estimated to range from 1% to 2% of annual health care budget. Modern light therapy includes visible light & part of the infra-red  region which contains a range of wavelengths (480-3400nm) therapy and produces  a biological response PHOTOBIOSTIMULATION. Incident on the skin surface exerts a stimulatory effects on metabolism, circulation, cell regeneration and cell function                             

How does it work?

1.Causes dilatation of blood vessels in the area treated

2. Increased delivery of oxygen

3.Improved local blood flow

4.Increased delivery of nutrients

5.Increased microcirculation and biostimulation

6. Promotion of healing

Increased protein synthesis .

7. Patients didn't have pain.

8. .Faster healing of ulcers

  What is coast benefit ?

1. Complete the heal up.

2. Less infection, eradications in some  case of MRSA

3.Reduce infection, time of hospitalization and length antibiotic therapy

4.Improve Quality of life important, like supplementary or monotherapy in cases that      were resistant to the other therapy and natural noninvasive therapy

5.Lead to healing in cases which were supposed to be treated surgically

6. Holistic effect.