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Thomas E. Serena

Thomas E. Serena

Serena Group| USA

Title: Preclinical and clinical research in wound healing and hyperbaric medicine


Biography: Thomas E. Serena


Clinical research is an essential component of SerenaGroup’s ™ Center-of-Excellence model for wound and hyperbaric centers. We are one of the world’s leaders in clinical research on wound care and hyperbaric medicine, having conducted over 100 clinical trials involving growth factors, gene therapy, bioengineered skin products, and novel pharmaceuticals. In 2011 SerenaGroup™ clinics conducted the research that led to the fi rst diagnostic in wound care. Th e ensuing manuscript
named the diagnostic procedure the Serena Technique©. In conjunction with Harvard’s Wellman Institute we developed and performed the initial clinical studies on a painless, bedside epidermal skin-harvesting device that is functioning not only in hospitals in the US but in third-world clinics as well. Our emphasis on clinical research over the years has drawn a group of young clinicians and scientists to participate in our research projects in the US and internationally, who are dedicated to advancing the science of wound healing. We formed the nation’s fi rst wound healing cooperative group consisting of more than 30 centers in the US and worldwide that now conducts entire multi-national clinical trials. In 2015 SerenaGroup Innovation™ opened a laboratory at the Northeastern Ohio Medical School to conduct preclinical studies in wound healing. Th e research team has fi led numerous patents as a result of these efforts