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Mieczyslawa Franczyk

Mieczyslawa Franczyk

University of Chicago Medicine| USA

Title: Subatmospheric Pressure Wound Therapy (SAWT) in the management of wounds with small bowel fistulae in neonates and infants. Preparing the patient for successful wound closure


Biography: Mieczyslawa Franczyk


Background: Subatmospheric pressure wound therapy (SAWT) has revolutionized the management of complicated wounds in adults and pediatric population. Abdominal wounds with fistulae and stomas in infants and neonates presents the additional challenge of managing fistulae/stomas output.  Using SAWT for treating wounds with an enterocutaneous fistulae in adults is well described in literature.  Review of literature does not demonstrate the widespread use of SAWT in the presence of a fistulae in this population. There is, however, a paucity of evidence to support such use of SAWT in the presence of a fistula in the neonatal population.

Methods: From 2008 to 2015 10 neonates/infants with an abdominal wound in the presence of fistulae were treated with SAWT along with stoma pouch or urine collection bags.

Results:  All wounds went on to heal or were adequately prepared for surgical closure.

Conclusion: Our clinical experience suggests that neonatal abdominal wounds in the presence of stomas and fistulae can be effectively treated with SAWT.