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Michele Burdette Taylor

Michele Burdette Taylor

University of Alaska Anchorage| USA

Title: Workshop on Conduct a lower extremity physical assessment


Biography: Michele Burdette Taylor


Evidence suggests that foot and nail care is the most effective intervention for prevention of wounds and lower extremity amputations most often related to lower extremity arterial and neuropathic disease.  Content in this workshop includes hands on lower extremity skill competency for assessment, intervention, evaluation, follow-up and referral.  A review of comprehensive lower extremity assessment will include loss of protective sensation, poor or lack of blood flow, musculoskeletal deformities and dermatologic conditions.  Opportunity will be given to conduct foot and nail care to include skin care, debridement of nails, appropriate compression therapy and off-loading. The participants will work in teams to conduct hygiene, assessment and intervention.  In conclusion of this workshop a brief discussion will be conducted on necessary follow-up based on assessment data, intervention and referrals needed and appropriate education utilizing adult learning principles