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Mateusz Fijalkowski

Mateusz Fijalkowski

Technical University of Liberec, Czech Rebublic

Title: Antimicrobial plasters based on nanofibers modified by nanoparticles


Biography: Mateusz Fijalkowski


Gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria are currently considered to be a major health problem. Over the years, antibiotics have been used to suppress infections spread in both the public and the hospital environment. Advances in nanotechnology and the ability to synthesize metal oxide nanomaterials of a specific size and shape, will likely lead to the development of new antibacterial agents that will not require exclusive antibiotic treatment. Inorganic antibacterial reagents are very interesting group of materials that can be utilize in wound healing due to the possible replacement of antibiotics. Moreover, the process of wound healing can be accelerated using nanofibrous structures. The reason is that nanofibrous structures are very porous, with a small pore size that permeates the air to the skin and provides protection against the external environment.

The aim of our work was to prepare organic-inorganic structured composite materials which are characterized by high antimicrobial activity. For this purpose we selected medical grade poliurethane polymer from wchich we made a nanofibers mat. In the second step we graft zinc oxide nanoparticles by surface activation of nanofibers in vacuum plasma under argon atmosphere. For preparing stable ZnO nanoparticles colloid we use condencation process in etanolic solution. Antimicrobial properties were examine on gram-negative Escherichia Coli and gram-positive Staphylococcus Aureus bacteria.