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YeÅŸim Bakar

YeÅŸim Bakar

Abant Izzet Baysal University,Turkey

Title: Complex decongestive physiotherapy in venous leg ulcers


Biography: YeÅŸim Bakar


In Europe, venous leg ulcers are the most common cause of chronic wounds. Chronic venous insufficiency is the most important pathophysiological factor in patients with chronic leg ulcers. Not only compression therapy represents the basis of all other therapeutic strategies for venous leg ulcers but also it is the most important component of Complex Decongestive Physiotherapy (CDP). CDP has two phases. Phase 1 is called as decongestion phase and consists of manual lymphatic drainage, skin care, compression bandages, and exercise. In the decongestion phase, the primary goal is edema reduction, improvement of microcirculation and healing of the venous ulcer. In this phase, compression bandages have to be changed daily. Optimal compression brings a decrease in wound exudate as well as in lower limb edema reduction. Phase two of CDP is the maintenance phase and it consists of manual lymphatic drainage, skin care, compression stockings, and exercise. In this phase, edema reduction has been initiated, and venous leg ulcers have frequently transitioned into a progressive healing process. The goal is the prevention of aggravation of edema and recurrences.


There are currently wide varieties of compression materials available. While especially short- stretch bandages should be used in the decongestion phase, compression stockings are recommended for the subsequent maintenance phase. Compression therapy plays a crucial role in the treatment of patients with venous leg ulcers. Optimal compression therapy in combination with exercise is the basis for successful treatment.


In recent years, Complex Decongestive Physiotherapy become available. This paper presents about Complex Decongestive Physiotherapy and the basic principles of compression therapy in patients with venous leg ulcers.