Frantz Dorestant Jr
Long Island Jewish Forest Hills, USA
Title: Protect the Skin from BiPAP Related Pressure injury
Biography: Frantz Dorestant Jr
Pre-Data: We had a significant increase in device related pressure injuries due to BiPAP masks in 2019 (3)
Why Did You Choose This Project? To research best practice in order to determine the best way to provide pressure reduction to the skin, while using a BiPAP device
What Are Your Data Points? Number of hospital acquired pressure injuries due to BiPAP masks, target number of hospital acquired pressure injuries for the year, devices trialed, patient population to be used on, device selected, collaboration with respiratory, barriers (device not staying in place), adjustments due to barriers (adjustment of device to the device and not on patients nose)
Project To Be Implemented: Identify your stakeholders: RN, MD, PCA, RT, and patients that require BiPAP use
Identify Your Interventions: Formation of a committee to address this topic, trial of multiple pressure injury prevention resources, implementation of assessment and intervention by the Respiratory Therapist and RN’s, indication of who is using BiPAP therapy every day through daily email blasts, and weekly audits done by the CWOCN
How Will You Measure Success of Program? Identify your measures: Decrease the number of device related hospital acquired pressure injuries by 25% in a year (Short Term). No device related hospital acquired pressure injuries (Long Term)
Initiation Date: 4/1/19
Proposed Measurement Points: Daily identification of patients requiring BiPAP therapy by the CWOCN or Director of Nursing, daily evaluation of pressure injury prevention device placement by the nurse and/or respiratory therapist, and weekly evaluation of target goal achievement by the CWOCN