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Ronald Sherman

Ronald Sherman

Board Chair
BTER Foundation
United States


Born in Los Angeles, Ronald Sherman earned his BS in Entomology at UC Riverside, his MD at UCLA, and his Masters degree in Clinical Tropical Medicine at the University of London, School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. He completed his Internship at Mt. Zion Hospital & Medical Center (one of the UC San Francisco training hospitals) in 1984, his Internal Medicine Residency at UC Davis in 1987 and his Infectious Diseases Fellowship at UC Irvine in 1991. Dr. Sherman started studying myiasis and maggot therapy during medical school, published his first paper on the topic in 1983, and started the first prospective studies in 1990. Twenty years ago, Dr. Sherman published his laboratory methods, so that maggot laboratories could develop throughout the world and supply local populations with medicinal maggots. There are now approximately 22 independent laboratories around the world producing medicinal maggots. After 4 years working for the Veterans Affairs Medical Center (Long Beach, CA) as an infectious diseases and geriatrics specialist, Dr. Sherman joined the faculty of the University of California in 1995, where he continued his research in myiasis and maggot therapy. Requests for Dr. Sherman’s medical grade maggots increased world-wide, and in 2004, after review of Dr. Sherman’s clinical studies, the FDA granted full marketing clearance for his Medical Maggots. In order to comply with the high manufacturing standards of the FDA, the laboratory (now known as Monarch Labs) separated from the University in 2005, and Dr. Sherman left the University himself in 2008 to oversee that laboratory, and to continue directing the BioTherapeutics, Education & Research (BTER) Foundation, a non-profit, member-supported organization dedicated to advancing health care through education and research in the therapeutic use of living animals. To minimize conflicts of interest, Dr. Sherman does not accept salary for his work for Monarch Labs nor the BTER Foundation, and he donates all speaking honoraria to the Foundation. To support his family, Dr. Sherman works 1 - 2 days/week as an HIV / AIDS Specialist for the Orange County health department.

Research Interest

Maggot therapy, Leech therapy, and the many other Biotherapeutic modalities